Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The countdown starts!! I know all the dancers are getting excited and I’m hoping the parents are too!
First let me start with the competition as I know everyone involved has been waiting to hear about the Friday night. I tried to have the few dances moved to the Saturday night but they will not run out of order like that. They had so many groups (4-8 dancers) that they are doing them all Friday with all the lines (9 – 19) dancing on the Saturday night. This effects the Tuesday lyrical and all the routines for the senior group. I know Roots to Branches shows on the Friday but I had left off 1 dancer when I did the registration (this has been corrected) and they should be moving to the Saturday as a line but I am just waiting for a confirmation from Dancermakers.
I have talked with Jamie (one of our drivers) who assures me that if we leave downtown by 2 (2:30) at the latest we will miss rush hour and should be back to the hotel in plenty of time as the group comp is scheduled to run 5 to 10 (maybe 10:30) So on the Friday 2 buses will go downtown with one retuning around 2 the other around 6. This will allow those who need to get back a ride and those who are unaffected the opportunity to explore the Windy City :0). I know some of us have show tickets and Carol Ann has spoken to you about it. She will keep you up to date with what is happening as at last discussion she was waiting for a decision from the theatre. If she is unable to return them we will try to make this work for those who can go.
The buses will leave the Airlane lot as previously stated at 7am. Please don’t be late!! But don’t be crazy early as the buses may not get there much before 6:45. One bus will hold all of the poodles and parents the second bus will be for all the remaining dancers. We must travel to the boarder this way as my passenger list must match when we cross. DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSPORT!!! We have to switch out drivers in Grand Maris so if there any who wish to ride with a friend changes can be done at that time.
Now on to the convention. Saturday classes start at 8am and the girls should be in lobby to get their bands by 7:45 (remember left wrist) and the run until 2:30.  The competition doors open at 4:30 and the show starts at 5. First up is Sweet Child followed by Sing Sing. All dancers involved should be downstairs in the change room with all their costumes (no running to rooms!!!!) hair and makeup complete by 4:30. The order for Sweet Child is ballet, tap, jazz and heaven. (not sure where the lyrical will go yet) For the poodles it is tap, jazz and then ballet. (we may need many hair hands so be ready lol)
As an added bonus there are free classes available for the dancers no band is required and they show now age limit so if our hanging around and want to go to 1 or all just know your teachers think that’s awesome!! At 5 there is a contemporary class, at 6 musical theatre, at 7 hip hop and at 8 another contemporary.
Just a note to all the parents (especially those who are first timers) this is a long and crazy weekend and the girls need to eat well and sleep well. We have discussed this with them many times so they know it’s not just you. Lol Keep in mind we are there for dance and classes are very important. They will complain it is hard, can’t see, feel sick and tired. Please do your best to encourage them it is new and at times it will feel  overwhelming with all of the  dancers, new routines and different teachers but this experience